“Your saviour is here!”
You've been presented with a unique opportunity to prove your worth in the eyes of a God and yet you're here asking for my help, how embarrassing for you. Well I suppose I must offer you something if I'm going to stand any chance of being reunited with my progeny.
Breaking the Seal
A cold iron lock on the front, I can't imagine that keeping anyone out for long. Even from this distance it looks as though there's nothing in it.
The Key to this Loopy problem would appear to be exactly the opposite of that.
If the key won't go to the loop then perhaps the loop can go to the key?
Take all the slack and work it through the holes to the loopy end.
Take the loop and the slack back through the holes towards the key starting with the lower right hole. Try not to cross the strings.
Push the key through the loop and pull it back one hole. If the loop is doubled; quickly reverse and unloop the key twice.
Pull the loop all the way back and the string will come off.
A more detailed solution with images can be found here: String Padlock Solution
Gates of Hel
All the keys are there so it should be fairly obvious what you need to do with them.
If I had to guess, I'd say you were having trouble with the third lock down.
It's a bit tricky, are you sure you've tried all the angles?
Locks 1,2 and 4 are simple mazes, keep trying until you've reached the other end and unlocked them
The third lock down has a second track, you have to insert the key upside down to reach it
Fetters of Fenrir
These manacles really could drive someone maniacal.
It's just like following a tangled rope, be careful not to get turned around
Working out the sequence is important, once you break the end rope you're about half way
There's no real secret here, to unlock the next disk the previous one has to be set at the right angle
The pattern is a Gray Code so the first disk needs to flip every other turn
Once all the disks are turned and the big wheel is free, turn the notch to vertical and the whole panel will lift out
Feast of Jormungandr (Burr)
What breed of serpent? I'd say it Looks a bit like a burrmese python.
The strangest of markings on my gorgeous world serpent, some with obvious meaning, others less so
Lost where to start? It's as easy as I, II, III. Try it with just the four pieces you know
Identify the pieces with the additional markings, I, II and III. Line up the I marks so that they point to each other, repeat for II and III, this is the starting position for the first four pieces.
You need to bring part #4 (the one with a single III marking) up and over part #1 (the one with a single I marking) and into the standard 'burr' positions
When the first four pieces are in place you can work back a few steps and bring in part #5 (with the snake head)
Slide part #5 out of the way to bring in part #6, from there you can lock the whole puzzle closed and work out the cipher
Step by step assembly instructions can be found in this document
It's one page per step so you can use it to start or for the whole solution
Feast of Jormungandr (Tray)
A snake you need to make yourself, do you mean like a boa constructor?
Struggling to start? Cut off the head of the snake, so to speak
The solution to the puzzle:
Feast of Jormungandr (Code)
With Jormungandr satiated you're free to look beyond and see what it was hiding.
Those symbols on the snake look a tad familiar
The decoded alphabet looks like this
The Missive
Will it be worth the paper wait?
I see you now have two versions of the same missive, so what's the difference?
One letter at a time until sumthing comes together
Each piece of paper contains half the information, you need to combine them to work out the missive.
When counting on letters the alphabet wheel lets you easily loop round the end of the alphabet back to the start
Start with the first letter from the first paper 'L' and count round 'ABC...U' the first letter from the second paper etc.
It may also help to think of these as numerical values L=12, U=21, L+Q=33. The 33rd or 7th (33-26) letter is G. The first word will be 'Greetings'
Greetings from Asgard. I bid you dark tidings. You have unleashed my progeny upon this vvorld for that I am grateful.
I'm burdened vvith glorious purpose the end of times is upon us and it could not have been done vvithout your help.
Appropriate recompense can be found if you knovv vvhere and it may still serve you vvell in the days that remain.
The Treasure Map
Going for the treasure now then? Only if you can work out where it is. Don't forget the hints you recovered if you helped rescue my progeny. If you haven't done that yet then perhaps you should reconsider what you're working on
There's something uniquely satisfying about seeing pieces in the right locations
Some places offer limited options, such as the corners.
The map puzzle is purely logical and can be done immediately without the additional hints.
Each domino is unique and can only match one location on the map, identifying spaces such as the hill/tree domino in the bottom left corner show you where that domino must go (horizontal or vertical) but more importantly it illiminates all of the other hill/tree positions on the map
The solution to the map puzzle is this:
Decoding the map
Maybe you don't know which way to turn, but having got this far you can clearly turn dominoes.
Being able to read these messages is one thing but being able to send them is where you can cause real mischief
Have U tried encoding the first letter?
Try to encode the letter U, by finding all the places it appears in the grid
Each letter in the grid may appear in multiple columns, the code is made up of all the symbols combined into one. "U" is the first letter on the top left of the map
The alphabet for the map code is:
"Unscrew the front panel using the key ends as tools"
The front panel can be removed, the keys (or a screwdriver) can be used to loosen the screws holding it in place. The screws should only be finger tight
(For anyone left wondering, the rear panel is glued in place)
Finding the treasure and beyond
The Missive
Wouldn't it be better to write this on paper?
I see you now have two versions of the same missive, so what's the difference?
One letter at a time until sumthing comes together
Each piece of paper contains half the information, you need to combine them to work out the missive.
When counting on letters the alphabet wheel lets you easily loop round the end of the alphabet back to the start
Start with the first letter from the first paper 'L' and count round 'ABC...Q' the first letter from the wooden part.
It may also help to think of these as numerical values L=12, Q=17, L+Q=29. The 29th or 3rd (29-26) letter is C. The first word will be 'Congratulation'
Congratulation on discovering the location of my treasure I could use a qualified lieutenant of your intellect.
Discerning vvhere and earning it are tvvo very different things and you may have more to do before acquiring it.
My children guard your revvard so if you vvish to claim it you vvill need to release them from their confinement.